What to Do if Your Life Insurance Claim Is Denied

What if you’ve invested your efforts and hard-earned money into obtaining a life insurance policy, making timely payments, and filing a death benefit claim only to be told that your life insurance company has rejected your claim? It might be an unwelcome surprise since life insurers deny a policy claim 1% of the time.  That…

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Can I cash out a term life insurance policy?

Most people understand that life insurance comes in two forms — term and permanent. Term life insurance is often the most affordable option, providing coverage for a certain number of years, while permanent life insurance provides lifelong coverage with a cash value component.  But what happens to your policy if you decide you don’t need…

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Is Tuition Insurance Worth It?

There are many ways that insurance can reduce stress, from purchasing life insurance for families to getting coverage that helps with education costs. For many students, the cost of a college education can be a financial burden. In an effort to keep costs manageable, some families have turned to tuition insurance as a way to…

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Should you pay life insurance premiums monthly or annually?

Policyholders have their choice between different payment plans when paying their life insurance premiums. Depending on the life insurance company and policy, payments can be made monthly, semi-annually, quarterly, or annually.  Paying semi-annually, quarterly, or monthly allows the cost to be equally spread out over two, three, or 12 payments, while paying annually requires payment…

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Life Insurance for Newlyweds [2024]

The choice to enter into a marriage or civil union with another person may be the most influential of your life, and discussing financial plans is an essential conversation for a couple to have. Whether or not to purchase life insurance for newlyweds is an important topic to discuss when planning for your financial future…

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Is life insurance an asset?

Life insurance is a financial product that can be used to protect yourself and your loved ones in the event of an untimely death. It provides a financial payout to designated beneficiaries, which they can use to cover funeral costs, living expenses, debts, or even future investments. But what many do not realize is that…

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